Halogen Heater Bulb Keep Blowing

Reasons Why Your Halogen Heater Bulb Keep Blowing

While it is not common for halogen heater bulbs to shatter or blow, there are cases where they do. But if this has become a frequent occurrence for you, then there are underlying causes that might be responsible.

In this post, we’ll take a look at these causes and equally give you tips that will help you take care of your halogen heater bulbs better. But before we begin, you must note that the tips contained in this article are only meant to help you troubleshoot minor problems related to halogen heater bulbs. Carrying out repairs in your home in the absence of a qualified electrician is illegal because of the risk involved. We will advise that you seek the help of a qualified electrician to carry out major repairs.

Having said all that, let’s get started.

Reasons Why Halogen Bulbs Blow

1 – Handling the Bulb

If your halogen heater bulbs keeping blowing, then you are probably handling them with your bare hands. Halogen bulbs are not meant to be handled because they are not designed to withstand the grease that is usually found on human hands. When body grease enters into the bulb, it makes the quartz glass brittle. A collection of heat mixed with grease, in most cases will cause the bulb to blow up.This is one of the major reasons why most halogen bulbs shatter.

2 – Hairline Cracks Due To Transportation

While it’s a part of quality control practice to physically test bulbs, hairline cracks in glass casement may occur in transit. Bad handling by the wholesaler, retailer or courier service can trigger the high-pressure bulb to shatter.

3 – A Sudden Surge Of Electricity

An unusual and equally sudden burst of electricity can turn up the internal pressure of the bulb. This may blow the bulb up instantly because unlike old incandescent bulbs, halogen heater bulbs may shatter if they experience a sudden surge beyond 5%.

4 – Incorrect Wattage

This is also one of the most common reasons why halogen bulbs shatter. Customers sometimes do not know the difference between bulb wattages, as a result, they go-ahead to use wrong replacements. For example, there is a big difference between a 40W old-tech filament bulb and a 40W halogen heater bulb. Substituting one for the other could be a recipe for disaster.

5 – Wiring Faults

Wiring faults in the home’s circuit can sometimes cause bulbs to blow, but it is extremely rare. This is because MCBs and fuses are there to pick up the fault long before it reaches the halogen bulb. So blaming the frequent shattering of your halogen heater bulbs on your’s house wiring is a bit misinformed.

So now that you have an idea why your halogen bulbs keep shattering, let’s take a look at some preventive measures that you can take.

How To Prevent Halogen Bulbs From Blowing

1 – Pay For Quality

Buying cheap and substandard halogen bulbs is probably a guarantee that it wouldn’t last very long. The element in cheap bulbs are very thin, so even the slightest surge in power can break it. Always settle for quality bulbs, you will find that they are cheaper in the long run because you won’t have to replace bulbs often.

2 – Keep Moisture Away

Do your best to keep moisture away especially when you want to replace old or shattered bulbs. Moisture shortens the life span of halogen bulbs and can trigger them to blow in some cases. When handling halogen bulbs, make sure you use a paper towel, It will help keep moisture at bay.

3 – Switch Off

Reduce Bulb ‘On-Time’ Never forget to turn bulbs off when they are not in use. Leaving your bulbs on for a long time concentrates heat which results in mechanical strain. If this continues unchecked, the halogen light will blow up the bulb as a result of thermal expansion.

4 – Check Connections and Outlets

If you have a voltmeter (which is rare, you may need your electrician for this), you can test your outlet. There are situations where your outlet might be supplying the wrong amount of voltage to sustain the halogen heater bulb correctly.

You can also look at the bulb connections to check if there are bridges or corrosion that might be affecting the performance of the halogen bulb.

5 – Avoid flammable liquids

Finally, avoid touching the bulb if your hand has just come in contact with methylated spirit. Halogen bulbs emit heat that can rapidly burn and cause them to shatter.

Signs That Show Your Bulb Is About To Blow

If you notice any of the following, then it means your bulb is about blow or worse.

1 – Excessive Brightness

Excessively bright bulbs do not necessarily indicate a fully functional system. Most times when bulbs are about to blow, they tend to first function at an abnormally high intensity before going out.

2 – Abnormal sounds of vibration

You should listen to the halogen heater bulb while it functions. If you notice a buzzing sound, it could mean that there is a connection that’s about to break and blow the bulb up.

3 – Unusually long startup time.

Halogen bulbs may not be like other regular bulbs but they don’t take too long to start up. Once your bulb begins to take ages before it lights up, then it is already calling for a replacement. It is better to replace it than to pick up its blown up parts.

4 – Poor Performance

Watch out for fluctuations in performance If your halogen bulb is on this minute and off the other, it is giving you signs that all is not well. Usually, you need to change it before it shatters.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Halogen Heater Bulb?

Depending on the dealer you choose to work with, the replacement could cost as much as £10 or a little more. As a result, changing bulbs frequently could end up costing you a fortune. Hence, it is important to put the tips you learned in this post to practice.

Replacing halogen heater bulbs might be expensive but they can equally be dangerous when they shatter. Broken pieces of the bulb can cause serious injuries if proper precautions are not put in place. Be sure to replace bulbs that need to be replaced and follow the preventive methods highlighted in this post to make sure your halogen bulbs last very long.

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