oil filled radiator oil leak repair

Can A Leaking Oil Filled Radiator Be Repaired

When the temperature goes down, there is no doubt that you will have to find out alternate sources of keeping yourself warm and also for other heating purposes. This will certainly push your energy costs and electricity bills. You need to find a way out by which you can keep your home and other things warm without making a big hole in your pocket. Oil-filled heaters are becoming quite popular. They are affordable and also provide comfortable and soothing warmth without damaging your finances as far as energy bills are concerned. They use thermal convection technology and warm the surroundings and pull cooler air and push it out of the closed spaces through oil-filled fins. These devices are known for their uniform lower surface temperatures when compared to space heaters. They are often considered to be one of the best solutions for all those who would like to keep the rooms warm but also have small children and pets to take care of.

While this certainly is good news, quite often we face the problem of leaking oil filled radiator. If you are trying to find the right answer to the problem for oil filled radiator that is leaking, then perhaps you will find a few things interesting as far as this article is concerned. You must be aware that leaking oil filled radiator is a big challenge and should that happen, the device becomes almost useless. Many people believe that there is no other option but to dispose it off.

Development Of Leaks Could Be A Problem

In some situations, it is possible that the oil filled heater might develop a leak. You could see some viscous liquid oozing out from the unit. If it happens you must immediately disconnect the unit from the power source. You also must stop using the unit immediately. You must understand that the oil remains sealed inside the heater at the factory itself and therefore it is not possible to replenish or replace the oil that is inside the radiator. You must check for the warranty and guarantee conditions and get in touch with the manufacturer for possible replacement. In other words, oil filled radiator repair may not be possible. You might come across some DIY tutorials that talk about welding and other options. However, it would be prudent to stay away from such advice and tips. Trying to repair a leaking oil filled radiator is fraught with risks and could create more problems than solutions. It could be a potential source of danger and could put the safety of the inmates at risk. There is a chance of the heat exploding and should that happen it could be filled with dangerous consequences. So, it would be better to stay away from those news articles and other pieces of information that try to look at simple ways to repair leaking oil filled radiators. To put it bluntly, this is not possible and if you do it, you will be doing it at your own risk and peril.

They Require Little Maintenance

There is no doubt that oil-filled space heaters do not require too much of maintenance or servicing. In most cases, the replacements are needed only for electrical components and spare parts. It could either be because of a wrong wiring or a power switch that has gone bad or nonfunctional. It is not too difficult to have it repaired and any qualified, authorized and experienced technician would be able to do it without too much of a bother. There also could be situations where the heater may not be providing the right heat. In such cases the problem may not be with the circuit and therefore it might require further investigation to diagnose the cause of the problem.

Do Noises Emanating From oil filled radiators indicate a fault

It is also possible that sometimes noises keep coming from heaters that otherwise may have remained silent. You could come across crackling and popping noises. These are normal in most cases and it could happen because the metal and oiling are warming up. In some cases the users might have turned the heater upside down. In such cases, you could come across a gurgling noise when you again bring the heater back to its upright position. This gurgling noise happens because the oil is settling back in its channel once again. You should wait until the noise subsides before using the heater.


To sum up, it is not possible to normally repair a leaking oil-filled radiator. If it is not covered under warranty and guarantee, you may have no other option but to buy a new one as soon as possible.

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