
Convector heater vs oil filled radiator

Convector Heater vs Oil-Filled Radiator

There is nothing like snuggling up in a warm cozy room. Some rooms, however, easily turn cold and damp, particularly when the cool months bring in drafts of cold air. At these moments, an electric portable heater can be your most cherished household appliance. Even though you may have central […]

oil filled radiator oil leak repair

Can A Leaking Oil Filled Radiator Be Repaired

When the temperature goes down, there is no doubt that you will have to find out alternate sources of keeping yourself warm and also for other heating purposes. This will certainly push your energy costs and electricity bills. You need to find a way out by which you can keep […]

halogen heater running costs

Halogen Heaters Running Costs

Halogen heaters use halogen gases to enhance the brightness and longevity of the bulb used. The halogen gas protects the bulbs and thus, the halogen heater, from darkening. Moreover, since these heaters use halogen gas, they are suitable to be used at higher temperatures. In recent years, halogen heaters have […]

oil filled radiator leaking oil

Oil Filled Radiator is Leaking Oil?

The warm, sunny, and breezy days of the summer are will slowly make way for colder winter days. Soon, the green parks will turn into frosty white patches. Blankets and winterwear have already come out. As temperatures go down, electricity bills will go up. Those large electric heaters that keep […]

Storage heater asbestos

Identifying and Removing Storage Heater Asbestos

If you are on the brink of buying a property that has an in-built storage heater, it might be a good idea to gather information on when it was built, to identify whether it contains asbestos. Storage heaters are some of the preferred choices of heating your home, especially if […]