6 Benefits of an Oil Filled Radiator With Timer

6 Benefits of an Oil filled Radiator with Timer

Benefits of oil filled radiator with timerIn this post you will find out whether an oil filled radiator with timer is the heater you need for your home. The main feature that makes these heaters standout is their timer.

Units can come with a mechanical or programmable timer. Programmable timers are generally more efficient since you can program different settings for different parts of the week based on how the house or space might be occupied and used. So if your expecting everyone at home on the weekend then the timer might keep the radiator on for longer periods of time.

So what are the benefits of using a oil filled radiator with timer.

1 -Energy saving

Energy saving is the main benefit of using this type of heater. The timer allows you to switch the unit on when it is most needed. So if your out of your house for most of the day during the week then you will not need the heater to be on constantly so you can set the time accordingly.

By setting the timer to switch the radiator on just before your expect to arrive back from work and then to switch off in the evening when you would be asleep, you will be saving energy.

2 – Take advantage of Discounted off-peak Energy Tariffs

Some energy providers offer off peak energy tariffs that offer discounted utility rates. Usually during periods of the day that there is less energy use. You could take advantage of these tariffs by setting the timer for the unit to be switched on more during off peak hours.

3 – Extending the radiators life

If you choose to keep your radiator on for extended periods of time it will have a shorter life then if you were to only use if for a couple of hours a day. Using a timer will allow you to control the lengths of time that the heater is on for.

4 – Portable

These type of radiators are portable so you can easily move them to where they are needed without having to install expensive piping.

5- Size

You can get various size heaters from small oil filled radiators that would sit easily under a desk to larger units that would warm up a far bigger space.

6 – Save Money

By making energy savings, taking advantage of off peak tariffs and extending the life of your heater you will be saving money.

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